Maptive Quickstart Guide

1. Sign in to your Maptive Account

Sign in here: Maptive is 100% web-based, so you can make maps and work with them anytime and anywhere.

2. Maptive homepage: one-click access to all your maps and tools

All maps created earlier are listed here, along with one-click access to main features under 'Actions.'  Click 'Create New Map' to get started.

3. Name your new map and click the Continue button

4. Copy and Paste your location data or Upload a File

Note that your data needs to include header columns (such as Address, City, Zip code, Name, Phone Number, etc.) that tell Maptive what the data is.

5. Match up as much location-specific data as possible

Match 'City' to 'City' or 'City' to 'town,' for example. This will help Google Maps pinpoint your locations accurately.

6. Your map is being created and quickly!

Maptive geocodes 10 addresses a second, making it a breeze to see your data visually and get working soon after quickly.

7. A finished map

Click on map markers or the toolbar in the left menu pane to access Maptive's customization and analytic tools.

8. Working with your data

The Map Tools and Map Settings buttons (in the top left menu pane) let you work with and configure your map to present it how you want to. Moving downward on the left menu pane, take a Snapshot of your custom map for quick reference later on or to share with others. Click Presentation Mode to view the map in full screen without the main admin functions. Share or Embed your map to allow access to your map by others, whether privately or publicly.

9. Customizing your map

Map Settings includes several map features that can be turned on or off.  Options include changing the map base layers and functions, selecting other map markers, or setting the default opening view of the map and zoom level, for example. In addition, any data deemed private can be hidden from the map marker bubbles for ease of mind before sharing the map internally or publishing it on the web.

10. Map Tools: Grouping, Filtering, Proximity, and Directions

Each of the Map Tools can be toggled on or off so you can decide which features are seen and available to others when sharing or presenting your map.

11. Click the Address Key for a list view of locations

The list view shows only the locations visible within the viewable area of the map.  Zoom out to show more locations and expand the list.

12. Sharing your map

You can share your map with other individuals and optionally require a password or publish your map publicly to the web.  Maps can quickly be embedded within a webpage or blog using one given line of simple HTML code.  You can ensure a perfect fit of the map within your page by changing the height and width values.

13. For answers to more questions and further documentation:

Visit our extensive FAQs and help center at

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